Why Concepter ?
If you want to maximize your fertility, then you must adapt a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet including nutritional supplements (Concepter®), so you will stay healthy, full of energy, body fitted and less stressed.
As the latest studies show that there is a positive correlation relationship between the fertility and the adapted life style.
Some adapted life style that affects the fertility:
- The Exercises such as Brisk walk, Yoga and Pilates in regular basis will help you to stay healthy, boost fertility, reduce stress and keep your body fitted. As obesity is directly linked to infertility.
- Obtain healthy diet: A diet have to be balanced and varied with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables also reducing animal fats, salt, sugar, and processed foods.
It’s important to look upon the food quality not quantity in our diet.
- Sleep more: adequate sleep play role in refresh and restore your brain and organ systems and regulate important hormones in your body including fertility related hormones.
Both men and women with low quality sleep had lower rates of fertility than those getting adequate sleep.
- Avoid smoking and Alcohol: Smoking is not only damage your health also the others (negative smoking); it’s reduce your fertility.
Smoking and drinking Alcohol is forbidden if you are trying to conceive for both genders.
- Regular intercourse: In fact there is a close relationship between regular intercourse and fertility, for men regular intercourse as day after day will have excellent chance for conception otherwise for women, chose the ovulation dates for intercourse for higher conception chances.
- Stress is danger: stress is obtained from our lifestyle around us. Stress can contribute to a loss of libido in both men and women. In women increasing the stress hormones such as cortisol can cause hormone and ovulation unbalance, in men the accelerated stress can cause decreased testosterone, lower sperm count, abnormal sperm production, and decreased sperm motility.
Stress has negative impact on fertility for both genders.
(Conceptor®) guarantee will help you to have more chance for conception.